Meet the actor ‘Who cares?’

Alex Tenispo Pritchett: Who Cares?


What took you into acting?

I went to watch Oliver in the West End for my 7th birthday and was mesmerised. After it finished my parents bought me the sheet music and soundtrack and I decided from that moment I wanted to act!

Did you do any training?

I trained at Mountview on the 3 year acting course. I loved every moment of it and it exposed me to stage, screen and audio training.

What advice would you give to young would be actors?

My only advice to young would-be actors is dream big and work hard to get there. If you don’t believe in yourself no one else is going to. Stay positive and remember everything happens for a reason!

What did you learn most from recording audio? 

I love recording audio! There is something so freeing just not having to think about your face and body and immerse yourself in the character and story. Also it’s such an intimate process where you feel you can engage with your audience individually and really focus on bringing them in. It’s so easy to do multiple takes and try new things out so you can play play play. With theatre and TV there are so many other factors to consider that a larger part of your performance relies on technique. With audio it feels much more stripped back

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